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Thorney Island |
Christmas leave, 1942, was something of a milestone for the Squadron. It heralded not only the end of the year Wit the end of our 'working up' training and the beginning of operations, and the change from the warm winter cosiness of St.Merryn (a small war-time base) to the vast permanent peace time station of Thorney Island under the Coastal Command of the R.A.F. We had new things to do and new things to learn. We were helped by the traditions laid down by F.A.A. Swordfish Squadrons which had-served at Thorney, St.Eval and East Anglian R.A.F. stations since the earliest days of the war; in fact 836 was relieving 816 Squadron which had sustained considerable casualties on cross-Channel operations. These included the unspectacular work of mine-laying, reconnaissance and night attacks on enemy shipping and ports. Only the ill-fated attempt of Lt.Cdr. Esmonde V.C. and 825 Squadron to stop the Channel escape of the Scharnhorst and Gneisenau made the headlines. We were all aware of the furtive, shadowy nature of the former and the horror of the latter, not least because the re-formed 825, like 816, left Thorney as we arrived. We flew from St Merryn to Thorney that cold December day over snow-covered southern England. It was in many ways like entering a new world, or re-entering the war zone we had left behind us at Lee months ago. Anti-aircraft guns defended the airfield, and with the balloon barrage formed part of the defences of Portsmouth and Southampton. At the dispersal points of Thorney stood twin-engined monoplanes-Lockheed Hudsons and Hampden bombers- while the runways were full size, able to take Lancasters and Liberators. Great camouflaged hangars stood at strategic points, and we could spot the Georgian style three-storeyed living quarters as we came in to land using a mere fraction of the long runway. It all looked decidedly operational. |
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30 Dec |
the move from St Merryn, the party changed trains at |
3 Jan 1943 |
Allen described his first wind-finding effort in |
5 Jan | The
CO recalled a visit to |
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Night Torpedo attacks |
We were made welcome by the R.A.F.
Station staff and particularly by the R.C.A.F. squadrons who flew the
Hudsons and Hampdens. The strategy seemed to be that the Hudsons would
carry out a nightly radar sweep from Thorney to Le Havre to Cherbourg and
back, while F.A.A. squadrons (we were joined by 833 Squadron commanded by
Major W. Anton R.M. on 1st February) would stand by to attack any convoys
or ships discovered by the Hudsons. The Hampdens were used as night
bombers. On one occasion Johnstone and Taylor did the 'sweep' in a
Swordfish. But neither they nor the Hudsons saw anything, so there were
none of the night torpedo attacks which had proved so successful earlier
in the war against enemy shipping off the Belgian and Dutch coasts from
Manston and Docking and in 1941-2 against Rommel's convoys from |
in their black camouflage- over Thorney
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Mine Laying |
But there were
mine-laying trips laid on probably through intelligence sources in
![]() Details were recorded of mission (GMA logbook) By March :
(From Robbie Roberston's Logbook) |
Problems of measuring aircraft height above water |
These trips called for incredible concentration from the Pilots flying on instruments for three hours on end at very low heights. Taking off at ten-minute intervals, they had no other aircraft to 'fix' on. The big imponderable was the barometric pressure which could and did vary on either side of the Channel. Thus an altimeter properly set with the correct barometric pressure on take-off could be reading 'high' or 'low' if the pressure over Le Havre (which we had no means of knowing) was different one the aircraft could be flying considerably lower than the altimeter indicated. Observer and Air gunner kept a constant look out to warn of too low altitude. Nevertheless, more than one aircraft came back with wet wheels and it will be seen, one aircraft and its crew were lost in Le Havre harbour due to this factor. |
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9 Jan |
a mine laying trip rather dark conditions were encountered, and at
one moment Lt Fox (with Lt Palmer) bounced on the sea. As their
aircraft sustained no damage the story did not seem well
substantiated, though the rumour that Lt Fox claims to have taken
the opportunity to set his altimeter accurately
unfounded |
16 Jan | The
Squadron having been released from standing by, most members
immediately made their way ashore. Lt Turner and VIA Piercy reached |
18 Jan | S/Lt
Robertson celebrated his 21st birthday. The C.O. caused amusement in
some quarters by using the Officers' Mess Tannoy to ask for
"any Midshipman of the Watch". At the height of the revels
the central figure disappeared in circumstances which the Squadron
had come to regard as typical |
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Swordfish Fires |
But at times it seemed our casualties were more likely to come from incidents on this side of the Channel. Jim Palmer and Frank Fox were one evening checking their aircraft while a Hampden was being refuelled in the next bay. Suddenly the fuel and the Hampden caught fire. Fox and Palmer leapt out of their aircraft just in time and hid behind the nearest bunker while the fire spread, bombs exploded and their Swordfish joined the Hampden in the conflagration. Then the Squadron was augmented by additional crews to ease the pressure of the duty roster and one of the newcomers, an Observer, determined to test his equipment before take-off, pulled the trigger of a loaded Very pistol in his cockpit. Another conflagration, another Swordfish written off, and one Observer quickly despatched from the Squadron back to the Pool. |
Transport |
As well as being
given a Squadron car we were also given a motor cycle
for use of the 'Duty Boy' to travel from Mess to Dispersal. Phil
Blakey and Nick Piercy especially were delighted with this. Perhaps Nick
discovered a lifelong affection for this form of transport for later, as
Lord Piercy, he would ride from his home at Elford, near Tamworth, to the
House of Lords on his motor bike until him untimely death while riding a
motor cycle in 1982. Phil and Nick taught this writer, who had some
knowledge of the machine through helping his brothers in peacetime, to
ride it. But after showing him the gears they sent him on his way round
the perimeter track and went off to the mess for lunch. After two circuits
the rider discovered they'd not told him how to stop it, so he drove
boldly into a grass bank on the car park outside the Mess. It stalled, he
fell off; it could have been worse. |
Mine Laying Flights |
quickly settled down into a routine. The Squadron spent more time than it
would have liked on stand-by, ready for take-off should the Hudsons
see something needing our attention. But the crews found their tedium
relieved by three or four days' leave especially after 825 joined us in
February, and the more adventurous might go up to London or Brighton for
a bit of relaxation. We soon became used to the briefings and the Ops
room, and the serving of our 'operational' eggs and bacon at evening
meals; the issue of halibut oil pills and the availability of ultra violet
lamps confirmed our status as operational types. Only three of the
fourteen officers had previous operational experience, and the rest of us
greenhorns were most grateful, particularly to Ransford and James Turner
for their example and encouragement. Ransford, with |
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20 Jan |
the transport provided for Squadron use was a motor-cycle. Several
of the crews attempted to learn how to drive, with results such as
loss of caps, some impromptu cross- aerodrome route-finding, and
loss of equilibrium with or without pillion riders. The latest use
for the cycle was by S/Lt Piercy who took turns round the perimeter
track to counteract the "atmosphere" of the Officers'
Mess. |
22 Jan |
flight in conjunction with 825 Squadron included some fairly close
combined formation. A R.A.F. officer later said the mess lights had
had to be switched on as the sky was so darkened by Swordfish. |
23 Jan |
of Harris' efforts at singing of a comic song in "Three Men in
a Boat" -reminded the Squadron of one of its own Members who
was keen on Gilbert and Sullivan choruses - "Singing; his voice
appearing to come from the cellar, and suggesting the first low
warnings of an approaching earthquake: |
26 Jan | Advantage
was taken of many of the luxuries provided for flying crews, such as
ultra‑violet treatment, halibut oil pills, and operational
eggs-and-bacon. Early morning tea was instituted by the stewards,
and for those who had the day off it became a popular habit to take
breakfast in bed. This was in pleasant contrast to the normal
morning's work which consisted of paddling through the mud to the
Nissen hut and sitting by the Valor stove, until time to return to
the Mess. |
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Mass Dive Bombing |
the ground crews life could be tedious, as after the D.Is(Daily
Inspections) the aircraft stood at dispersal points
awaiting the appropriate
armament for operations. Sometimes mines would be loaded and later chanced
for torpedoes and flares, and even bombs were loaded and then changed
back. These changes of armament were the result of changes in operational
intention, but on cold, wet winter days and nights, were not all that
welcome. But there were bright days as when the Squadron was invited to
test the anti-air defences with dive bombing attacks. Then at least the
crews could admire, as did their RAF. counterparts, the skill of their
Pilots as they 'let their hair down'. On one occasion 836 and 825 combined
to carry out a ‘Balbo’ - a mass dive bomb attack (named after an
Italian General). An R.A.F. officer later said that the mess lights had to
be switched on as the sky was so darkened by Swordfish. |
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28 Jan |
run ashore by a group from the Squadron included a visit to the bar
of the 'Ark Royal". |
1 Feb | Several
members attended the performance of "Cinderella". Amongst
many amusing turns, |
2 Feb | With
the return from leave of a certain WAAF officer, the absence of S/Lt
Lisle from the "naval ante-room" became quite noticeable. |
4 Feb | Seeing
the ground-crews at work on modern RAF aircraft, S/Lt Blakey asked
us "wouldn't |
8 Feb | A
spate of 24-hour leave passes made it very convenient to run up to
14 Feb | A
party visited |
15 Feb | The
radio inter-com, of aircraft F was satisfactory, but Lt Fox
did not know his own speech would be transmitted during an R/T
exercise. Lt Palmer, carrying out such an exercise with "Kiwix"
(a WAAF on the ground station) closed down with the transmission
“I have landed now", and it is understood the interruption by
Lt Fox - "A b---- awful landing too" – was perfectly
received. |
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Sport & Entertainment |
Morale was good, however, not least because of the attractions at Thorney and its environs. The Squadron Rugby team played five games and won two of them. There were concerts and pantomimes (when one of Cinderella's Ugly Sisters came into the audience and kissed Frank Fox). C.P.O. Bailey's previous experience in the R.A.F. - he had changed to the R.N. when the Naval Air Arm came under Naval control - made for good inter-Service relations. But 'runs ashore' to Pompey and Lee enabled the 'troops' to look up 'old oppos', while the 'Crown' at Emsworth was near at hand. Visiting the 'Crown' at lunchtime in the 1960s, this writer found it almost impossible to imagine the packed, heaving masses of sailors and airmen who thronged its bars every night in those war years. It was a happy meeting ground for officers and men and it was perhaps fortunate that there was a causeway from 'Crown' to camp which witnessed unsteady gaits steadying gradually along its way.
people walked further, like Tyrell and Muir who, having missed the last
train from Chichester, wended wearily back into Thorney at 3 a.m. |
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17 Feb |
Robertson, walking
across the aerodrome late at night, says that he ended his evening
out by falling into a hole. |
21 Feb |
No .1406/277/2.
Secretary of the
in accordance with 0.U.6372, Chap4
With the exception of free gun exercises carried out by the
Observers of No.836
A.T.T.Bayliss |
22 Feb | S/Lt
Muir says he dreamed he did a navex, - whose analysis gave zero
calculation error, |
23 Feb | S/Lt
Aggleton reported having seen two FW190's while returning from a
bombing exercise at |
24 Feb | Three
members of the Squadron were noticed to be hobbling badly in the
morning - S/Lts |
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Further Sport | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mess at Thorney was also a pleasant place to be. The footprints on the
ceiling of the ante-room gave a wrong first impression. We and the
Canadians were a lively lot, but there were rarely the high jinks
associated sometimes with heavy bomber or fighter squadrons. The Station
Commander was at pains to make us feel at home and there was also a
welcome at appropriate times in the W.A.A.F. quarters; and F.A.A. and
W.A.A.F. were known to wander. around |
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1 Mar |
early start was made in order to fly to Lee for a new aircraft. Even
so, it is thought rather showing off by Lt Walsh when in his rear
cockpit seat he produced a mechanical razor and proceeded to shave
himself. |
3 Mar |
visit to |
5 Mar | S/Lt
Macve tells of a RAF navigator who thought the FAA charts were not
on Mercator projection because the latitudes and longitudes were not
parallel to the edges of the chart. |
7 Mar | On a night
operational trip, S/Lt Taylor considers his pilot most conscientiously
obeyed the instruction to fly low. "I could feel the spray while we were
over the sea" he said. Eighty miles out at sea Lt Turner picked up the
beacon on his return and proceeded to "get all his equipment packed up"
(in the words of . the C.O.). This system was badly shaken, however,
when on approaching the coast the C.O. maliciously asked for the pundit
letters. |
8 Mar | S/Lt
Aggleton recalled a carrier landing he made when he says he was
being taken down in the lift before he realised he had touched down |
12 Mar |
incidents arose from the occasional beating-up of the aerodrome -
officially to give AA gunners some practice. While taxi-ing S/Lt
Blakey administered cutting blows to a |